Caddo Lake is an HBO Max original mystery thriller written and directed by Celine Held and Logan George. The film follows the story of the sudden disappearance of an 8-year-old girl and strange things happening on Caddo Lake.
We had a great experience working on this film and are proud to say that Cadence Effects is the main visual effects vendor on Caddo Lake. Tackling 83 shots including 3D Set Extensions and on-set vfx supervision. Cadence was tasked with intense car chases, CGI elements, blue screen replacements, sky enhancements, rain effects, and more. Check out the reel below to see a breakdown of a few of our shots.
The film stars Dylan O’Brien, Eliza Scanlen, Diana Hopper, Caroline Falk, Sam Hennings, Eric Lange, and Lauren Ambrose. Caddo Lake was produced by M. Night Shyamalan and Blinding Edge Pictures and is available to stream on Max.